Project Title Faculty Department/Program    
Project Title Faculty Department/Program
Oxidative stress trade-offs in birds Jimenez, Ana BIOLBiology BIOL Jimenez
Understanding how ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogenation reactions work Chianese, Anthony CHEMChemistry CHEM Chianese
Histological changes in muscle structure in birds Jimenez, Ana BIOLBiology BIOL Jimenez
Matrix analysis of interacting multi-species particle systems Chen, Joe MATHMathematics MATH Chen
Synthesis of Metabolically Stable Tn Antigen Mimics with Conformational Integrity Nolen, Ernie CHEMChemistry CHEM Nolen
Developing Novel Electrocatalysts for Challenging Chemical Transformations Related to Renewable Energy Sciences Hu, Gongfang CHEMChemistry CHEM Hu
Mapping Arctic Vegetation and Ecosystems Using Imagery from Drones and Satellites Loranty, Mike GEOGGeography Environmental Studies GEOG ENST Loranty
"Henry Highland Garnet In Central New York" Hodges, Graham HISTHistory HIST Hodges
The pain of falling behind: Exploring how race-class stereotypes (e.g., perceptions that White people are wealthy) inform subjective perceptions of status, emotional experiences, and, thus, health Cooley, Erin PYSCPsychological and Brain Sciences PYSC Cooley
Cellular Metabolic and Innate Immune Responses to Mammalian Reovirus Infection Holm, Geoff BIOLBiology BIOL Holm
Biological Materials for Electronic Devices and Functional Surfaces Adhikari, Ramesh PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Adhikari
Using an expanded genetic code to study selenoprotein function and post-translational modifications Peeler, Jenny CHEMChemistry CHEM Peeler
Syntheses of Pophyrinoids with Altered Core Structures Geier, Rick CHEMChemistry CHEM Geier
The Mathematics of Invisibility Jimenez Bolanos, Silvia MATHMathematics MATH Jimenez Bolanos
Analyzing the Internet's Domain Name System Sommers, Joel COSCComputer Science COSC Sommers
Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy in Indonesia Abbas, Megan RELGReligion Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Civilization RELG MIST Abbas
Military Veterans in Congress, 1789-Present Lupton, Danielle POSCPolitical Science POSC Lupton
Threat Construction During Crises: How Leaders Justify Coercion Lupton, Danielle POSCPolitical Science POSC Lupton
Signaling in sensory cell progenitors Meyers, Jason BIOLBiology Neuroscience BIOL NEUR Meyers
The making of the brain during metamorphosis Niraula, Anzela PYSCPsychological and Brain Sciences Neuroscience PYSC NEUR Niraula
Virtual Galapagos: An Innovative Science Teaching and Outreach Project Harpp, Karen GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences Educational Studies GEOL EDUC Harpp
New Chemical Tools for Drug Discovery Goldberg, Jacob CHEMChemistry CHEM Goldberg
Conduit and Fiber Mapping Project Kong, Myongsun GEOGGeography Environmental Studies GEOG ENST Kong
Antarctic Paleoclimate Leventer, Amy GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Leventer
Against Supremacy: White People's Current Antiracist Organizing Russo, Chandra SOANSociology and Anthropology SOAN Russo
Molecular Modeling of Electronic Structure, Spectroscopy, and Mechanism in Inorganic Systems Keith, Jason CHEMChemistry CHEM Keith
Molecular Analysis of Development in C. elegans Van Wynsberghe, Priscilla BIOLBiology BIOL Van Wynsberghe
Biominerals in a changing climate: unraveling structure, composition, and materials propertie Metzler, Rebecca PHYSPhysics and Astronomy Earth and Environmental Geosciences Biology PHYS GEOL BIOL Metzler
Preparation of the DIMPLE experiment for the Moon Levine, Jonathan PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Levine
Career Development at Selective Liberal Arts Colleges Benson, Janel SOANSociology and Anthropology SOAN Benson
Buying Influence: Analyzing Chinese Outsourced Foreign Propaganda in Asia Wang, Frances SOSCSocial Sciences Political Science SOSC POSC Wang
Developing a brain-supervised artificial neural network to gain insight into how the brain extracts behaviorally relevant information Hansen, Bruce NEURNeuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences Mathematics NEUR PYSC MATH Hansen
1. Cognitive function and neural mechanisms of co-song gesture; 2. The effect of artificial light at night on brain plasticity Liu, Wan-chun NEURNeuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences NEUR PYSC Liu
Sleep and Stress Across Development Philbrook, Lauren PYSCPsychological and Brain Sciences PYSC Philbrook
State, Local, and City Parks and the Worthless Lands Thesis Meyer, William GEOGGeography GEOG Meyer
Probing the nature of Dark Matter with the first stars and galaxies in the Universe Ilie, Cosmin PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Ilie
Functional responses to warming seas: trait variation along modern and ancient environmental gradients Harnik, Paul GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Harnik
The Social Credit System and the Generation Gap in China Hsu, Carolyn L. SOANSociology and Anthropology SOAN Hsu
Polar and Planetary Research: Antarctic biogeochemistry and Ice Age New York Drone Mapping Levy, Joe GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Levy
The role of the basal ganglia in drug-related behaviors Galaj, Ewa NEURNeuroscience NEUR Galaj
Learning dynamics in superconducting neurons and synapses Segall, Ken PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Segall
Factors Influencing Charter School Outcomes Song, Yang ECONEconomics ECON Song
Computer Science and Mathematics Meet Biology Ay, Ahmet COSCComputer Science Mathematics Biology COSC MATH BIOL Ay
Data Science Collaboratory Developer Cipolli, Will MATHMathematics Library MATH LIBR Cipolli
Housing Markets and Heterogenous Households: leveraging linked migration microdata to define housing markets and household types Mei, Mike ECONEconomics ECON Mei
A synthesized teaching model that promotes both procedural and conceptual knowledge dimensions in CS1 Haldeman, Georgiana COSCComputer Science Educational Studies COSC EDUC Haldeman
Using novel and established pyridine alkoxide ligands to study exotic transition metal clusters and high oxidation states, and their applications toward oxidative catalysis Shopov, Dimitar CHEMChemistry CHEM Shopov
The impacts of storm type and air mass on the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic content winter snow. Burnett, Adam GEOGGeography GEOG Burnett
Measurement of atmospheric aerosol Perring, Anne CHEMChemistry CHEM Perring
Eruptive Mechanisms and the Eruptive Personality of Augustine Volcano, Alaska Koleszar, Alison GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Koleszar
Facial Recognition and Genetic Tools for Harbor Seal Conservation Ingram, Krista BIOLBiology Computer Science Natural Sciences BIOL COSC NASC Ingram
Understanding Intermolecular Interactions through Vibrational Nano-Spectoscopy Muller, Eric CHEMChemistry CHEM Muller
Researching STEM education: Understanding teacher identity through a qualitative study of collaborative practice Gardner, Meg EDUCEducational Studies EDUC Gardner
Historical Archaeology of Hamilton: Economic and Social Life in Nineteenth Century Central New York De Lucia, Kristin SOANSociology and Anthropology SOAN De Lucia
Optical Variability of Quasars and Stars at the Colgate Observatory Balonek, Thomas PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Balonek
Why is hippo dung important to river invertebrates? Frauendorf, Therese BIOLBiology BIOL Frauendorf
"Daughters of Jim Crow’s Injustice”: African American Women, Mass Incarceration, and the Business of Black Women’s Bodies at Parchman Penitentiary, 1890-1980 Bailey, Dionne HISTHistory HIST Bailey
Modeling heat transport in insulation measurements Parks, Beth PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Parks
The polynomials for the Hilbert series of special monomial sets. Sosa Castillo, Gabe MATHMathematics MATH Sosa Castillo
Constraining the Spotted Nature of Young Low-Mass Stars Bary, Jeff PHYSPhysics and Astronomy PHYS Bary
Deep Earth Imaging of the Alaskan Subduction Zone Adams, Aubreya GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Adams
Living Writers Brice, Jennifer ENGLEnglish ENGL Brice
Investigating the role of Kruppel-like factor 4 as a tumor suppressor in mouse embryonic fibroblast and colorectal cancer cells lines Hagos, Engda BIOLBiology BIOL Hagos
Caviar Graybill, Jessica RESTRussian & Eurasian Studies REST Graybill
"Geochronology of Grenville ferroan granites" Peck, William GEOLEarth and Environmental Geosciences GEOL Peck

If you have questions, please contact Karyn Belanger (