Project Overview

Scaffolding program design learning with diagrams

Faculty Sponsor

Elodie Fourquet (


Computer Science


This research project is to study the types of structure flowcharts, and other sketches used by experts to design programs. Our goal is to teach more effectively experts' planning and designing methods to novice programmers. Learning from their practices that externalize cognition, we will develop a series of applied examples of flow-charts that describe a top-down design of actual implementations.

We will also investigate code to flow-chart converters to know their practicality so as to use and possibly extend one, such as mermaid

Student Qualifications

One student with COSC 101

One student with COSC 102 or more

Inter-disciplinary interests: cognitive development, art and/or design in addition to computer science

Number of Student Researchers

2 students

Project Length

10 weeks


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If you have questions, please contact Karyn Belanger (