Project Overview

Optical imaging and spectroscopy to understand molecular interactions and nanoscale structure

Faculty Sponsor

Eric Muller (




In the Muller lab, we use laser spectroscopy and nano-imaging to understand the structure-function relationship in partially ordered molecular systems. We combine infrared spectroscopy of vibrations to understand the local chemical environment with tip-enhanced super-resolution that provides imaging near molecular length scales. Current projects include measurement of polymer self-assembly, self-assembled monolayer formation, and reactivity at surfaces. Students will have the opportunity to work with lasers, sample fabrication, and computer modeling. 

Student Qualifications

Introductory coursework in chemistry (Chem 101/102, or Chem 111) or physics (Phys 232).

Number of Student Researchers

2 students

Project Length

10 weeks


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If you have questions, please contact Karyn Belanger (