Project Overview

A synthesized teaching model that promotes both procedural and conceptual knowledge dimensions in CS1

Faculty Sponsor

Georgiana Haldeman (


Computer Science
Educational Studies


Are you curious about how novices learn computer science? Or about building educational tools to help students learn computer science and programming?  The field of computer science is filled with unintuitive concepts which is a key obstacle that we will study and ways to overcome it. 

In their application, students should discuss:
  1. Why does this specific project interest them
  2. How research in computer science aligns with their long-term goals
  3. The COSC courses they have/will complete by the summer
  4. Any prior research or internship experience in computer science

Student Qualifications

Number of Student Researchers

3 students

Project Length

8 weeks

Applications open on 10/03/2023 and close on 02/28/2024

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If you have questions, please contact Karyn Belanger (