Project Overview

An examination of the brain's borders

Faculty Sponsor

Anzela Niraula (


Psychological and Brain Sciences


The bidirectional communication between the brain and the body is essential to homeostasis. Immune cells residing along the borders of the brain are strategically positioned to relay peripheral signals into the brain and vice versa. Students will investigate the role of the perivascular macrophages (PVMs) in immune response to infection and regulation of glucose homeostasis in mice. Using transgenic models, surgical techniques, behavioral testing, and biochemical measurements, students will be involved in the execution of experiments and presentation of their scientific research. 

Student Qualifications

- Interest in the topic, motivation, dexterity, and strong work ethic needed
- No prior research experience required

Number of Student Researchers

2 students

Project Length

8 (starting June 30) weeks


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If you have questions, please contact Karyn Belanger (